Feed supplement for horses and ponies

EMH F-Muesli with hydrothermally expanded cereal flakes, is the complete hard feed for your horse, when fed with hay and straw

EMH is an extract from selected, highly efficient herbs, fermented by micro-organisms, which has already been seen to have positive results in equine nutrition. EMH F-Muesli has only a slight addition of molasses, so it flows easily, and is therefore an ideal muesli for bulk storage, such as in silos. EMH F Muesli, without oats, based on hydrothermally expanded maize and barley, is a tasty, low protein muesli. Used as a complete feed in large yards, it has been shown that horses have a high utilisation of the feed nutrients. By the addition of EMH the digestive system is supported and encumbered, so that with continuous use, the volume of feed given can be reduced, step by step. EMH F Muesli is proven to be suitable for horses of all breeds and in all types of work, when fed in suitable amounts. Due to the optimal levels of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, it is also ideal for use in situations where large volumes of feed are needed each day.

g/kg sagremojams proteīns: 73,6 g/kg preceacal digestible protein (pcvRp): 64,3 g/kg mJ/kg sagremojama enerģija: 11,7 MJ DE/kg Metabolizable energy (MJ ME): 10,7 MJ ME/kg

Mieži (pārslās)30,7 %
Kukurūza (pārslās)25,1 %
Klijas no auzu mizām13,7 %
Kviešu klijas9,2 %
Cukurbiešu melase6,3 %
melase4,0 %
Milti no lucernas zaļumiem3,0 %
Mieži3,0 %
Kukurūza2,2 %
Kalcija karbonāts1,0 %
Fermented plant extract (EMH)0,6 %
Nātrija hlorīds0,3 %
Mārdadžu eļļa0,3 %
Jēlproteins10,00 %
Jēltauki3,40 %
Rupjšķiedras8,00 %
Rupjie pelni5,30 %
Kalcijs0,70 %
Fosfors0,35 %
Nātrijs0,20 %
Magnijs0,15 %
Ciete38,40 %
Cukurs5,50 %
Vitamīns A (3a672a) NA8.000 I.E.
Vitamīns D3 (3a671) NA800 I.E.
Vitamin E (3a700i) NA100,00 mg
Vitamīns B1 (3a821) NA1,20 mg
Vitamīns B2 (3a825i) NA1,60 mg
Vitamīns B6 NA0,80 mg
Nikotīnskābe NA12,00 mg
Ca pantotenāts NA8,00 mg
Folskābe NA1,20 mg
Holinhlords Cinks (3a890) NA40,00 mg
Dzelzs (3b103) (Dzelzs sulfāts, monohidrāts (II)) NA8,00 mg
Mangāns (3b502) (Mangāna oksīds) NA26,00 mg
Cinka oksīds (3b603) NA40,00 mg
Varš (3b405) (Vara (II) sulfāts, pentohidrāts) NA6,00 mg
Selēns (3b801) (Nātrija selenīts) NA0,15 mg
Jods (3b202) (Kalcija jodāts, bez ūdens) NA0,30 mg
Vitamīns C (3a312) NA24,00 mg
Biotīns (3a880) NA240,00 mcg
Propionic acid (1k280)335,00 mg
Propionsäure aus Natriumpropionat (1k281) TA324,00 mg
Propionsäure aus Calciumpropionat (1a282) TA586,00 mg

NA = Nutritional additives
ZA = Zootechnical additives
TA = Technological additives
SA = Sensory additives
Subject to change


Heinrich Eggersmann
Futtermittelwerke GmbH
Bruchweg 11
32699 Extertal


Tel: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-0
Fax: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-19
E-Mail: [email protected]

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