Feed supplement for horses and ponies

The traditional Mash recipe is based on wheat bran, flax seeds, oats and cattle salt. This special blend has been specifically enhanced by the addition of herbs, extruded linseed and EMH.

Extruded linseed contains high levels of Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids. These ensure a healthy and optimal regeneration of cell walls. Dietary fibre and mucilage encourage a more rapid intestinal transit and bind toxins in the intestines, resulting in an optimal constitution of the horse’s very sensitive digestive system. The traditional main ingredients in EMH Mash also support digestive problems. For decades, experienced horse people and veterinarians have used mash successfully in the prevention and treatment of intestinal diseases. After colic, surgery, with constipation or other disorders of the digestive processes, our top quality EMH Mash naturally regulates the intestinal functions. After strenuous activity, as a snack during long periods of strenuous activities, after birth or even just as a hearty warming meal in bad weather, your horse will love Mash. Preventively, given at least once a week instead of the usual hard feed, EMH Mash supports the digestive activity, ensures a shiny coat and can prevent metabolic disorders. EMH Mash is very appetising and tasty, and is therefore especially suitable for fussy eaters. Horses with teeth, jaw or chewing problems, as well as older horses, benefit from the pulpy consistency. This combination of nutritionally valuable components, herbs and EMH supports the intestinal flora and ensures good digestion.

The benefits at a glance:

  • high omega-3 and -6 fatty acid content
  • supports the intestinal flora and ensures good digestion
  • after operations and colic for the regulation of the intestinal functions
  • appetising effect
  • quick preparation, short soaking time

g/kg sagremojams proteīns: 86,0 g/kg preceacal digestible protein (pcvRp): 72,0 g/kg mJ/kg sagremojama enerģija: 12,2 MJ DE/kg Metabolizable energy (MJ ME): 11,1 MJ ME/kg

Kviešu klijas 23,9 %
Auzas 15,1 %
Mieži (pārslās) 14,2 %
Kukurūza (pārslās) 11,6 %
Augļu izspiedas (ābolu) kaltētas 8,6 %
Linsēklas 8,2 %
Kukurūza 5,5 %
Cukurbiešu melase 4,5 %
Kalcija karbonāts 1,5 %
Nātrija hlorīds 1,4 %
Mieži (pūsti) 1,0 %
Alus brāga kaltēta 0,7 %
Mārdadžu eļļa 0,7 %
Fermented plant extract (EMH) 0,6 %
Magnija oksīds 0,6 %
Alus raugs 0,5 %
Pētersīļi 0,3 %
rozmarīns 0,2 %
piparmētras 0,1 %
nātru lapas 0,1 %
Baziliks 0,1 %
Ķiploki 0,1 %
koriandrs 0,1 %
Jēlproteins 11,20 %
Jēltauki 7,00 %
Rupjšķiedras 8,50 %
Rupjie pelni 7,40 %
Kalcijs 0,80 %
Fosfors 0,45 %
Nātrijs 0,60 %
Magnijs 0,50 %
Ciete 27,80 %
Cukurs 5,80 %
Vitamīns A (3a672a) NA 8.200 I.E.
Vitamīns D3 (3a671) NA 820 I.E.
Vitamin E (3a700i) NA 105,00 mg
Vitamīns C (3a312) NA 25,00 mg
Vitamīns B1 (3a821) NA 2,00 mg
Vitamīns B2 (3a825i) NA 2,00 mg
Vitamīns B6 NA 1,00 mg
Nikotīnskābe NA 15,00 mg
Ca pantotenāts NA 9,00 mg
Biotīns (3a880) NA 250,00 mcg
Folskābe NA 1,30 mg
Holinhlords Cinks (3a890) NA 70,00 mg
Propionic acid (1k280) 505,00 mg
Propionsäure aus Natriumpropionat (1k281) TA 324,00 mg

NA = Nutritional additives
ZA = Zootechnical additives
TA = Technological additives
SA = Sensory additives
Subject to change


Heinrich Eggersmann
Futtermittelwerke GmbH
Bruchweg 11
32699 Extertal


Tel: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-0
Fax: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-19
E-Mail: [email protected]

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