Mineral supplement for horses

The Bricks with garlic as an insect repellent

The nutrients in Mineral Bricks Garlic compensate for any existing deficits and regulate numerous functions in the organism. Fed daily, metabolism and immune system are stimulated and strengthened. Mineral Bricks Garlic provide your horse with all the vitamins, minerals and trace elements it needs for health, growth and performance. With their practical shape and size, Mineral Bricks fit in any pocket and are easy to dispense in the right amount. This allows you to provide a treat and balanced nourishment at the same time. With Mineral Bricks Garlic, horses get all the nutrients they need, especially during the grazing season or while kept on grass livery.

Kviešu klijas33,0 %
Kalcija karbonāts12,0 %
Kukurūza10,4 %
Mieži10,0 %
Dikalcija fosfāts8,0 %
Magnija oksīds7,5 %
Cukurbiešu melase7,0 %
Nātrija hlorīds5,4 %
Ķiploki4,0 %
Kalcijs6,80 %
Fosfors2,00 %
Magnijs4,00 %
Nātrijs2,20 %
Ciete16,00 %
Cukurs5,10 %
Vitamīns A (3a672a) NA200.000 I.E.
Vitamīns D3 (3a671) NA20.000 I.E.
Vitamin E (3a700i) NA2.000,00 mg
Vitamīns C (3a312) NA500,00 mg
Vitamīns B1 (3a821) NA100,00 mg
Vitamīns B2 (3a825i) NA100,00 mg
Vitamīns B6 NA100,00 mg
Nikotīnskābe NA500,00 mg
Ca pantotenāts NA250,00 mg
Biotīns (3a880) NA5.000,00 mcg
Folskābe NA20,00 mg
Mangāns (3b502) (Mangāna oksīds) NA850,00 mg
Cinka oksīds (3b603) NA2.470,00 mg
Varš (3b405) (Vara (II) sulfāts, pentohidrāts) NA345,00 mg
Selēns (3b801) (Nātrija selenīts) NA8,00 mg
Jods (3b202) (Kalcija jodāts, bez ūdens) NA15,00 mg
Propionsäure aus Calciumpropionat (1a282) TA1.465,00 mg

NA = Nutritional additives
ZA = Zootechnical additives
TA = Technological additives
SA = Sensory additives
Subject to change


Heinrich Eggersmann
Futtermittelwerke GmbH
Bruchweg 11
32699 Extertal


Tel: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-0
Fax: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-19
E-Mail: [email protected]

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