Ergänzungsfuttermittel für Pferde

Our new Vitalize Relax Plus Muesli is optimally tailored to the energy and nutritional needs of leisure horses. Reduced protein and energy provides a balanced diet for lightly worked horses - the metabolism can also be relieved. The addition of the prebiotic AO-Ferm™ ensures optimised nutrient absorption and supports digestibility.

Vitalize Relax Plus contains hydrothermally treated grains and is therefore optimally digestible. The oat-free and tasty composition is suitable both as the sole hard feed for horses and ponies and as a supplement to the cereals. Leisure horses in particular should be fed something that does not go straight to their head, but still represents a high-quality hard food meal. A calm, balanced but nevertheless willing horse is desired. The muesli contains all the important nutrients to keep a horse healthy and efficient in light work.
The addition of AO-Ferm™, a fermentation product of the Aspergillus oryzae fungus, has a prebiotic effect and serves to increase the digestibility of crude fibre and starch. The nutrients ingested in the feed can be better absorbed and used by the body. As a prebiotic, AO-Ferm™ is the food for living microorganisms in the horse's digestive tract. The growth and the multiplication of the good microbes in the intestine can be stimulated and an optimally utilised digestion of the nutrients can thus be guaranteed.
The addition of AO-Ferm™ relieves the digestive system in a targeted manner and supports its function. With constant feeding of Vitalize Relax Plus, the digestive process and metabolism can be sustainably supported and harmonised. The addition of magnesium ensures a balanced character and also supports supple and flexible muscles.

The benefits at a glance:

  • oat-free, low in protein and energy
  • particularly suitable for leisure horses
  • with the prebiotically effective AO-Ferm™, which supports optimised nutrient absorption and more effective digestibility
  • high digestibility due to hydrothermally treated grains and the addition of AO-Ferm™
  • with the addition of magnesium for nerve strength and supple muscles
  • complete supply of vitamins and minerals with high levels of zinc, copper & selenium

g/kg sagremojams proteīns: 71,3 g/kg preceacal digestible protein (pcvRp): 57,9 g/kg mJ/kg sagremojama enerģija: 10,7 MJ DE/kg Metabolizable energy (MJ ME): 9,8 MJ ME/kg

Mieži (pārslās)28,3 %
Kukurūza (pārslās)23,2 %
Klijas no auzu mizām10,8 %
Kviešu klijas8,9 %
Milti no lucernas zaļumiem6,9 %
melase6,3 %
Cukurbiešu melase4,6 %
Kukurūza3,1 %
Kalcija karbonāts3,0 %
Nātrija hlorīds1,7 %
Mieži1,3 %
Dikalcija fosfāts0,7 %
Magnija oksīds0,2 %
Product from Aspergillus oryzae, high in protein0,1 %
Jēlproteins9,00 %
Jēltauki3,00 %
Rupjšķiedras8,60 %
Rupjie pelni10,00 %
Kalcijs1,70 %
Fosfors0,50 %
Nātrijs0,65 %
Magnijs0,25 %
Ciete35,00 %
Cukurs4,80 %
Vitamīns A (3a672a) NA18.000 I.E.
Vitamīns D3 (3a671) NA1.200 I.E.
Vitamin E (3a700i) NA150,00 mg
Vitamīns C (3a312) NA12,00 mg
Vitamīns B1 (3a821) NA2,50 mg
Vitamīns B2 (3a825i) NA3,00 mg
Vitamīns B6 NA2,00 mg
Nikotīnskābe NA25,00 mg
Ca pantotenāts NA16,00 mg
Biotīns (3a880) NA120,00 mcg
Folskābe NA2,50 mg
Holinhlords Cinks (3a890) NA330,00 mg
Dzelzs (3b103) (Dzelzs sulfāts, monohidrāts (II)) NA80,00 mg
Mangāns (3b502) (Mangāna oksīds) NA110,00 mg
Cinka oksīds (3b603) NA220,00 mg
Varš (3b405) (Vara (II) sulfāts, pentohidrāts) NA30,00 mg
Selēns (3b801) (Nātrija selenīts) NA0,70 mg
Jods (3b202) (Kalcija jodāts, bez ūdens) NA1,10 mg
Kramglūda (E 551c) TA500,00 mg
Propionic acid (1k280)335,00 mg
Propionsäure aus Natriumpropionat (1k281) TA324,00 mg
Propionsäure aus Calciumpropionat (1a282) TA744,00 mg

NA = Nutritional additives
ZA = Zootechnical additives
TA = Technological additives
SA = Sensory additives
Subject to change


Heinrich Eggersmann
Futtermittelwerke GmbH
Bruchweg 11
32699 Extertal


Tel: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-0
Fax: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-19
E-Mail: [email protected]

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